john kindred orig-AAAF1772 cropped“Dick is the consummate teacher. I received help from multiple sources with little success, but Dick immediately identified my issues and was able to “Fix” my major problems. I am a real sinker swimmer, but Dick slowed my stroke down and taught me stroke basics in just several sessions. I went from fearing swimming to looking forward to my swim training sessions in just 3 weeks. I went from gasping for air to effortless stroking in that same time. I feel confident that whatever the problem, Dick will quickly identify the issues and teach you to swim using very easy to understand language and simple, effective principles.

Dick knows the strokes and he knows the psychology of open-water/competitive swimming. He gave me a game plan for competing in the Nationals including the warm up, the race start and the rest of the race. He went over “what ifs” and had me feeling supremely confident in my abilities. Only time will fix my stroke, but Dick gives me just enough to work on until the next session.” John Kindred.


Dick Sidner turned my stroke around! In just three short lessons he got my head in the correct position while breathing, he got my hips and legs at the top of the water, he got my torso in the proper rotation and my speed keeps getting faster and faster. He is indeed the BEST swim coach in the Indianapolis area!!!” Gina Myers Smith.

I have been very fortunate to have Dick as my mentor and coach over the last few years. Without Dick’s coaching support and commitment to my swimming endeavours of the Triple Crown I would have never been able to do it.  Dick’s commitment to open water swimming has set the standard for others to follow.  Jim Barber



Thank you for your swimming tips since I joined NASTI in October.  I reduced my swim time from my first triathlon, the Morse Triathlon, last year by over 4 1/2 minutes.  I really appreciate your assistance.  I have a long way to go to get anywhere near most of the swimmers in NASTI, but I appreciate your help.    Eric Hendrich
Scott Beasley
Dick,  I swam in W. Lafayette this pm. I can almost not believe the turn around already! Like turning clock back 10 years and have just begun.  Urock!
Scott Beasley (Ultraman Canada, First Place, 2007).




Chris Sikich
I’ve seen a lot of questionable people passing themselves off as swim coaches for triathletes, but Dick is the real deal. Lifetime swimmer with lake access. If you’re looking for help, check it out.
Chris Sikich

The training you provide is outstanding. Lessons are definitely working. My times have drastically improved since I started training with you. I know I still have tons of work to do, but at least I am confident I can complete the Ironman swim in time now. Originally I couldn’t even keep my head in the water and was referred to as Tarzan. Now after only 5-6 lessons, I can practice swim 1-1/2 miles in 55 minutes. That can only improve. I am excited about this New Year. Thank you. Brian Katzfey
All I have to say is….DICK – YOU ARE THE MAN (and I’m not forgetting Lisa too!!!)  Because without your generosity, support and enthusiasm towards our training none of us would be doing marathon swims! Liz Fry (3x channel swimmer/Triple Crown swimmer and Swim Across the Sound Race Director) mentioned during her recap presentation/award ceremony that INDIANA seems to be the new “hot bed” for marathon swimmers…. and Dick YOU are at the helm!  Always eternally grateful for your support and friendship!  Kevin Sherman

Derek Hammer

Derek Hammer

Great swim lessons tonight with Dick Sidner. It’s nice to see some major improvement in just a couple of short sessions. If you’re an open water swimmer and want to get better at it, check him out at  … Derek Hammer






Recent “Facebook” dialogue in “Fishers Area Triathletes,” August 7, 2013
Jerrah Leigh Stafford: Looking for an exceptional swim coach that is a member at the YMCA fishers that would be willing to give a couple paid lessons a month? Help me!

Tim Beadles If you’re willing to go outside of the YMCA there is a guy named Dick Snyder that is one of the best around here. I can get you his contact information if you like.

Tim Beadles Looks as though I misspelled his last name … Dick Sidner is his name.

Jennifer Gallant Dick Sidner

Joshua Harpe Swim instructors at the Y are more focused on technique for entry level swimmers and children. If you want exceptional I would call Dick Sidner.

Justin Roeder I would strongly recommend Dick Sidner ! Very helpful and experienced.

Bruce McCombs Ditto about Dick and not using the Y.

Jerrah Leigh Stafford Thanks everyone! Dick has already contacted me and I am sure he will prove he is the best if he can make me not suck at swimming haha. Tuesday at 4:30pm

Matt Saba Nate Littlefield is also a great coach-he’s helped me a ton over the past year.

Nate Littlefield Thanks Matt Saba, but I only pass on the knowledge to you that Dick Sidner has bestowed upon me.

Matt Willard Saw Dick Sidner for the first time tonight and in 100 m he knew how to fix all the problems I was having. Truly impressed with him.

Jerrah Leigh Stafford: Had my first swim lesson with Dick Sidner yesterday and within 30 minutes I could already tell a huge difference and was comfortable in the water! He is def the real deal and I look forward to working with him more.  August 11 at 3:42pm